Bitumen, tar, steel, cotton, 5-channel sound composition, 17′ loop, 2024
The work consists of five bitumen and tar sculptures emitting low-frequency audio signals. Each of the objects acts as an autonomous sonic agent, distorting, amplifying and resonating sonic frequencies sent through its body. The sound is composed using two tuning systems set against each other – a 31-steps EDO and equal temperament. It was then processed using auto-tune (a technology which was developed by repurposing petroleum extraction algorithms) with the sculptures forming one polyphonous body. The resulting pulsating low frequencies refer back to the origins of bitumen – a sacred material found in natural deposits which emit low rumbling noises as this black viscous mater rises from below. This sound, a murmur, was often interpreted in ancient writings as a rumbling echo of divining underworld demons.
The work also refers to the story of Hārut and Mārut – an ancient myth of two demonic creatures, who after being suspended in the underground as a punishment for their digressions begin teaching humans magic, techniques of intoxication, and fiction. Below (For the Ones Who Murmur) reimagines this story as a way of merging subterranean cosmologies with contemporary extractivist technologies.
Commissioned by 15th Gwangju Biennale with the additional support by Stimuleringsfonds NL.